Meraclo Julius Rizky

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.


1Iman 120 12 : 120Adhit 12
2Amir 120 12 : 120Jaya 12
3Murtijo 120 12 : 120Asep 12
4Darsono 120 12 : 120Ralo 12
5Rusdi 120 12 : 120Dedi 12
6Edrian 120 12 : 120Soemarmo 12
7Sucipto 120 12 : 120Fery 12
8Hafidz 120 12 : 120Willy 12
9Yuri 120 12 : 120Hendin 12
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)